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  フルメタル・パニック! The Second Raid
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05年秋期待の新作: BLOOD+
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多言語版日記(何) ~英語編~ No: 628
投稿者:管理人   04/05/03 Mon 01:00:10

Today, May. 3 marks the 3rd anniversary of this site.
Although it was only for little circle of Ryvius site when it started, unexpectedly becomes big, 230 visitors come this site a day on average now.
Contents are also increase, now there're 37 sections in top page alone, while there were only "Character Introduction", "My Impressions Of Anime", "Staff List", and "Cast list" at the beginning.
According to access log, it seems that there’re some Korean or Taiwanese visitors who use web site translation, not only Japanese visitors.
Well....I had no idea that this site would come to this.

However, I’ve tended to neglect Hareguu site because I spend all time and energy on Fullmetal Alchemist site since last June, the time FMA site opened. Although FMA is now at the height of its popularity, Hareguu is also livened up because of OVA series “FINAL”...
Well... so, I’ll make every effort to update not only news section but also other sections at least once or twice a month. There are many things that I wanna do such as writing my impression of “FINAL”, researching foreign affairs, and making “Encyclopedia Hareguu” which doesn’t make any progress for a long time.
In spite of saying, although there are still some possibilities that I don’t achieve, I’ll keep doing at my own pace.

Well, speaking of things I wanna do, I have secret ambition for a long time.
The ambition is to multilingualize my sites including FMA side.
I have some command of English, Chinese, and Korean because of studying at school.
Of course they’re still not good enough, however, it’s worth doing to write in other languages because both my sites consist mainly of information. Hareguu seems to popular in Korea and Taiwan, FMA is also becoming popular in not only such countries but USA and Europe. Above all, as already stated, there’re some accesses from Korea or Taiwan, and FMA site also has a slight access from USA or Europe. For these reasons, I've been thinking that I wanna do that, in spite of I know I must get over a lot of difficulties to achieve it if I actually start. Globalization is here to stay now, isn’t it?
If I actually do it, for a starter, translate Hareguu site into Korean, and FMA site into English.
Well, as I don’t decide to do it yet, I don’t know whether I actually do it or not, but even if suddenly some foreign languages appear somewhere in my site, please don’t be upset (hehe


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昨日: 今日:
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